Best Acupressure Points For Period Pain

The menstrual cycle or period is something that all women have to go through in their life every month. However, some might consider them lucky for having mild pain during periods. On the other hand, some might curse it for experiencing bad cramps. Period pain depends on many factors and can vary from person to person.

A hormonal imbalance is a major reason for having a painful period. Please learn more about what factors contribute to dysmenorrhea or period cramps, as we commonly know them. We’ll also share some unique acupressure points for period pains that you can try to get relief from painful cramps.

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Read this article to fully understand the causes of period pains and how you can relieve period pains using acupressure points. I’ve also covered some of the best acupressure points to relieve period pain.

What Causes Period Pain?

The uterus prepares a “bed” in the form of a thick and nourishing endometrium to provide an ideal environment for the implantation of a fertilized egg, allowing it to develop into a pregnancy. But when the egg fertilization process isn’t completed, the uterus lining starts to shed, which we commonly know as a period.

Acupressure Points For Period Pain

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To shed this lining, the uterus contracts, which causes period pain. This is known as dysmenorrhea in medical terms.

The hormone responsible for the smooth muscle contractions is prostaglandins. The severity of menstrual cramps increases as the level of prostaglandins rises.

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However, other reasons can also result in period pain, such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, fibroids, and pelvic inflammatory disease. The hormonal imbalance might also lead to period pain; other hormones can cause period pain, for example, estrogen. A low level of estrogen might result in cramps. Moreover, poor diet, physical inactivity, and stress can also accelerate period pain symptoms.

How to Stop Period Pain Immediately at Home?

Period pain can be extremely unpleasant and interfere with your normal activities. Here are some natural methods for period pain relief:

Applying Heat

Placing a hot water bottle or heating pad against the abdomen can relax the muscles and help relieve cramps. Discomfort and cramps may be lessened by the heat’s ability to relax the uterine muscle and those nearby.


Massages are a great way to get rid of period pain. You can use these methods. There are a lot of massages available on the internet to relieve cramps, such as abdominal massage or compression massage.

Acupressure Points For Period Pain

Essential Oils

According to research, massaging some essential oils into the skin may help reduce period pains. Clary sage, marjoram, and lavender are a few of these oils.


A healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein may help reduce inflammation and ease menstrual pain.

However, please remember that if your period pain is severe or you experience other symptoms, such as heavy bleeding or fever, you should consult a doctor.

What are the Best Acupressure Points for Period Pain?

Some of the best acupressure points for period pains are listed below. For effective results, follow the steps mentioned and your period pain will be gone in no time.

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Tai Chong (LV3)

 Tai Chong is one of the best acupressure points that can help relieve period pain. It’s also known as LV3. To massage this point, press the width of your thumb above the junction of the first two metatarsal bones. Tai Chong is regarded as one of the significant points for regulating the menstrual cycle. It works wonders in period-related issues, be it Nausea, headache, cramps, or bloating caused due to period.

Tai Chong can be stimulated by applying firm pressure on the point, ideally with your thumb, for one or two minutes. You can also use a small ball or a roller for the same. Tai Chong works wonders regarding period pain when performed daily during the menstrual cycle. However, it is necessary to avoid stimulating this point during pregnancy.

LV3 acupressure point helps to disseminate and soothe a stagnant Liver qi, which helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. Period cramps, lower abdomen aches, and breast tenderness are signs of blocked liver qi.

San Yin Jiao (SP6)

San Yin Jiao, or SP6, whatever you prefer, is another effective acupressure point in relieving period pains. This point can be found on the inner side of the calf, at a distance of 3 fingers apart, between two tendons, just above the ankle bone.

Acupressure Points For Period Pain

Other than relieving cramps, there is another thing with which San Yin Jiao might help, and it is regulating your periods. To see the magic this point can do on your body, press the point with your thumb for at least one minute. You can also employ a small ball or roller to stimulate the point. And, of course, avoid messaging the point during pregnancy; otherwise, you might see some adverse results.

The point where the Kidney, Liver, and spleen meridians meet inside the body is called San Yin Jiao. This point is very beneficial in treating diseases related to the urinary tract, gynecological diseases, and gastrointestinal diseases.

He Gu (LI4)

The most common pressure point to relieve period pain is He Gu, also known as LI4. The location of this point is between the index finger and thumb, bringing the thumb and index finger close together, and the highest point of the muscle is LI4.

The point is proven to be beneficial not only in relieving period pain but also in relieving headaches and toothaches too.

Similarly, massage the point as mentioned for the previous acupressure points. Apply pressure with your thumb, a roller, or a small ball for a minute. The main aim of this acupressure point is to relieve headaches or any disorders related to the sense organs or face. It also facilitates overall pain relief in the body, which is why this is beneficial in treating dysmenorrhea and headaches caused during menstruation.

Zusanli (ST36)

Zusanly is another common acupressure point, which people often employ for relieving period cramps. Zusanli, also called ST36, is one finger width away from the outer edge of the shinbone and four finger widths below the knee.

This point is regarded to have healing and rejuvenating effects on the human body. It also helps boost the immune system, stimulates the digestive system, and alleviates fatigue and stress.

To start seeing the positive results of this acupressure point, press it for a minute with your thumb or small ball, or you can also use a roller.

How to Apply Acupressure for Period Cramps?

You should know the correct way to apply acupressure for period pain to see any positive results by utilizing these points.

Choose the acupressure point: First, choose the acupressure point you will stimulate to relieve period cramps. You can choose any acupressure points for period pain, such as Tai Chong, San Yin Jiao, Zusanli, He Gu, or any other you prefer.

Get ready: Choose a comfortable space and sit or lie down, whichever you prefer. Ensure you don’t have any tight clothing, as it might constrict the spot you want to apply pressure on.

Acupressure Points For Period Pain

Adequate pressure application: You can apply pressure on the chosen acupressure point in various ways. Use either your thumb, a small ball, or a roller; choose any one you feel would suit you the best. Now, apply pressure on the point for at least one minute for effective results or until you feel a significant improvement in your symptoms.

Re-do: You might start seeing results in one application only, but to relieve the period pain completely, you are required to repeat the entire process again as many times as you want or until the pain is entirely or, to the most extent, gone.

Unwind: After using acupressure, unwind by taking a few deep breaths and relaxing your body. To ensure that the body thoroughly absorbs the advantages of acupressure, try to remain still for a few minutes.

However, It’s necessary to keep in mind that acupressure is a complementary therapy and shouldn’t be used in place of medical treatment.


Acupressure has been proven beneficial in many aspects of the Human body. Each acupressure points have its purpose and set of benefits to offer. The ones mentioned above are the acupressure points for period pains. Hope this was a helpful topic, and now you’re ready to tackle your period pain using acupressure.

However, I’ll remind you again to visit a gynecologist if you’re experiencing severe pain, fever, or a lot of blood discharge. Also, remember that the blood of the color released during menstruation can tell a lot about our body’s health, so don’t hesitate to take a trip to a doctor’s clinic in such circumstances.

Keep reading blogs like these to improve your knowledge of good health, and I wish you a safe and painless period.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Which finger to press for period pain?

Ans: Press between the thumb and the index finger to relieve period pain or dysmenorrhea.

Q2: At what age do periods stop?

Ans: The end of a person’s menstrual cycle and fertility is signaled by menopause, a natural biological process. Menopause happens around the age of 45 to 50 years of age. However, due to hormonal imbalance, some females might get early menopause while others can witness menopause at a much later age.

Q3: Are painless periods good?

Ans: If you’re having painless periods or have mild discomfort during your periods, then it’s completely normal. However, you should be alarmed if you’re experiencing a painful period. This is your body’s way of indicating that something is wrong in the body. Your period will hurt if you have hormonal or structural problems such as fibroids, endometriosis, or adenomyosis.

Hello Friends, Shashi here. I am a Fitness trainer, reader, and writer. A long year back, I completed my diploma in nutrition and health. I hope, you are enjoying my health and fitness experience, sharing on trickyedu health's category.

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