How to Compare Two Strings Without Using Strcmp in C
The library of C programming language is extremely rich in functions. We have already looked at Strcpy and Strncpy in C. This time we are going to look at How …
The library of C programming language is extremely rich in functions. We have already looked at Strcpy and Strncpy in C. This time we are going to look at How …
Preprocessor comprises two distinct words – Pre and processor. Pre means before, and the processor is something that processes a given data. So combining both the words together, we get …
Before this, we explored and understood vocabulary about Fruits, Flowers, Birds, Vegetables, and Insects in our vocabulary blog posts. Today, we’ve brought “All Mathematical Words in English to Hindi” in this …
Hindi is a language that helps us to identify ourselves as Indians. In our country, everyone from the illiterate to the educated people understands the Hindi language. The Hindi language …
Pointers have great significance in programming. Do we already know what pointers are? Let us recall – pointers are variables that are used to store the address of other variables. Now …
A string in C programming is nothing but an array or sequence of characters. These characters can be anything like numbers, alphabets, or special characters. Strings are terminated by the …
C has a library rich in functions, one of which is the strlen function. In simple words, Strlen in C is used to return the length of a string. While …
Do you know, what is Operators in C? Some symbols that carry out a specific mathematical/ logical computation on the given operands. So you can say that operators are one …
Hi everyone! How are you all doing? I’m glad to welcome you to Trickyedu. In our recent articles, we’ve explored the meanings of dreams of animals such as snakes, lions, …
Today, in this blog post, we will discuss What is Mnemonics in Microprocessors? We all know that the microprocessor is the heart of any digital device, such as computers, smartwatches, smartphones, …