Data Transfer Instruction in 8085 Microprocessor

The instruction set, often known as instruction set architecture, is a collection of instructions (ISA). This instruction set gives the orders to the microprocessor to accomplish what it needs to do or task.

In microprocessor 8085, instruction sets are of various types

  1. Data Transfer Instruction Set
  2. Arithmetic Instruction Set
  3. Logical Instruction Set
  4. Branch Instruction Set
  5. Machine Instruction Set

Today, In this article, we will understand What is Data Transfer Instruction in 8085 Microprocessor?

Also Read: Addressing Modes in 8085 Microprocessor

Data Transfer Instruction in 8085 Microprocessor

In the data transfer group, the data is transferred from our source register/memory to the destination register/memory without any modification of data. Data transfer instructions are of various types like MOV, MVI, LDA, LHLD, LXI, etc.

Data Transfer Instruction in 8085 Microprocessor

What is MOV Instruction?

MOV R1, R2

Move or copy the content of register R2 to register R1, but the data of register R2 remains unchanged. Register R1 or R2 can be A, B, C, D, E, H, L, or could be a memory. For Example:


Let’s assume, that accumulator (A) contains 01H data and register (B) has 03H data. After the Execution of this instruction, the content/data of register B i.e. 03H moves to the accumulator (A). Now, Accumulator has 03H data.

What is MVI Instruction in 8085 Microprocessor?

MVI A, 57

In MVI instruction, I denote Immediate Data. It means Immediate Data 57 moves to accumulator A. After execution of this instruction, accumulator (A) has data 57.

What is LXI Instruction in 8085?

LXI rp, data (16-bit)

In this instruction, L for load, X for pair, and I for immediate. rp means register pair like H-L, B-C, etc.

16-bit data (like 5051H) is loaded into the register pair using these instructions. For example, LXI B, 5051H

After execution of this instruction, 50H is loaded into register B and 51H is loaded into register C.

What is LDA Instruction in 8085 microprocessor?

LDA address

Load accumulator with Content/data stored at the specified memory address. For example,

LDA 2050

Suppose, data at memory address 2050H is 35H. After execution of this instruction, 35H is loaded into the accumulator (A). Now, the accumulator has 35H.

What is STA Instruction in 8085?

STA address

Store the content/data of the accumulator (A) to the specified memory address. For example, STA 2050H

Consider, accumulator A has 35H data.

After execution of this instruction, the data in accumulator(A) 35H is stored at memory address 2050H.

What is LHLD Instruction in 8085?

LHLD address

Content or data held by memory address specified in instruction loaded into H-L register pair. For example, LHLD 2050

Suppose, Memory address 2050H has data 31H and 2051H contains 35H.

After execution of this instruction, the data stored at address 2050H i.e. 31H loaded into register H, and data stored at next memory address 2051H i.e. 35H loaded into register H.

Now, the output is H=35H and L=31H.

What is SHLD Instruction in 8085?


Store content or data of register pair H-L into the consecutive memory address specified in the instruction. For example, SHLD 2050H

Suppose, register H and L has data 31H and 35H. After execution of this instruction, the data of register L i.e. 35H is stored at memory location/address 2050H, and data or content of register H i.e. 31H is stored at memory location/address 2051.

Now, output is 2050H = 35H and 2051H = 31H.

What is LDAX Instruction in 8085 Microprocessor?


Load the content/data of memory which is held by register pair (rp) into the accumulator. This rp can be either a BC/DE/HL register pair, with B representing BC and D representing DE. For instance, LDAX B

Suppose, register pair B-C holds 2050H which is actually a memory address that means register B contains 20H and C contains 50H, and 2050H has data 35H.

After execution of this instruction, data loaded into the accumulator (A) = 35H.

What is STAX Instruction in 8085 Microprocessor?


Store content or data of accumulator into the memory address which is held by register pair. For example, STAX B

Suppose, register pair B and C holds memory address 2050H and the accumulator contains data 45H. When this instruction is executed, the data or content of accumulator (A) i.e. 45H stored at memory location 2050H which is held by register pair B-C.

Now, the output is 45H.

What Does XCHG Instruction Do?

Exchange is abbreviated as XCHG. This is an instruction that swaps the contents of the HL and DE register pairs. The content of the register H exchange with the D register, as well as the L and E register, will be swapped once this instruction is executed.

Assume that the contents of the HL and DE register pairs are 00ABH and 0123H, respectively. The content of the HL and DE register pair will be 0123H and 00ABH, once instruction XCHG is executed.

Hello, My Name is Abhinav. I am an Author in the Education Category of Trickyedu. I have Done My Engineering in Computer Science from DIT University. I have a good command on Science, Programming Language, and microprocessors. So, I choose this platform to share my knowledge and experience.

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